GREEN CBCT 3D X-RAY - Ultra Low Dose
in Bee Cave, Kyle, and Austin
Our CBCT 3D X-ray machine offers more information with less radiation than was ever available with traditional 2D images. We use the ultra low dose Vatech Green CBCT for diagnostic precision and enhanced treatment outcomes.
3D X-Rays: Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)
A CBCT scan is a non-invasive dental imaging procedure that utilizes specialized x-ray technology and equipment to generate highly detailed information. It has some similarities with traditional x-rays, and also with the standard medical CT scans provided in hospital settings. This innovative technology allows us to capture highly accurate 3D radiographic images of your mouth for superior, unparalleled diagnostic precision. It enhances our ability to evaluate and create precise and targeted individualized treatment plans.
The greatest difference between a CBCT and medical CT, is the shape of the beam of x-rays and amount of radiation. Dental CBCT use a cone shaped beam, which allows it to capture great 3D images of the bone and teeth with a fraction of the radiation. Medical CTs, use a fan shaped beam and rely on high density x-rays to create extremely high resolution pictures of soft-tissue and bone. Medical CTs require much more radiation so they can create high resolution views of soft-tissue.

3D X-Rays: More Information with Less Radiation
Vatech’s Green CBCT technology offers the clearest imaging available on the market. In just a few seconds, in a single scan it can provide more information with less radiation than was ever available with taking multiple 2D conventional x-rays. It can provide a 360° view of your mouth, intricate 3D views of your teeth, bone, and surrounding structures.
What Happens During Your CBCT Scan?
Our quick scan takes about 10 seconds. As you stand still, the machine rotates around you, capturing the 3D scan of your head. Taking a CBCT 3D X-ray is that easy!
Ready to Smile with Confidence?
Click to schedule a Free Consultation. We can’t wait to meet you!
Ready to smile with Confidence?
Click to schedule a Free Consultation. We can't wait to see you!

Green CBCT 3D X-Rays Near Me
Contact Boss Orthodontics in Bee Cave, Kyle, and Austin, TX to learn more about our 3D X-ray imaging that will allow for a thorough diagnosis and enhance your treatment experience.